Wills and Probate
Our team of lawyers and legal professionals in our firm routinely handles wills and estates cases. Highly experienced and greatly familiar with the relevant law, our firm specialises in drafting wills and probates, as well as helping our clients in the distribution of estate and and disputes. We handle all wills, probate, letters of administration and any other related documents and proceedings.
A will is a legal document, which is used to set forth the testator’s wishes in the event of their death in regards to the distribution of their assets and the care of any minor children. A will is the most convenient, reliable and inexpensive method in estate planning, and can be changed as required by the testator at any time.

Our firm has extensive experience in representing the testator. This requires thoroughness and scrupulous attention to detail to prevent beneficiaries from having to engage in further probate services in the future. Any applications for grants of probate require approval from the Probate Registry, involving submission of evidence and other relevant documents in order to lawfully allow the grantee to deal with the estate without limitation. Our firm may assist you in handling all such matters.
Services at our firm include:

For more details or if you have any enquiries, regarding our Wills and Probate services or other matters, please contact us at +852 3583 3083 by telephone or info@paulinewong.hk by email.