Our firm provides professional and efficient bankruptcy and winding up services. We provide extensive legal advice to our clients who suffer from serious debt burdens, as well as provide legal support to our clients as creditors who seek the sum owed to them. We assist our clients in restructuring their debts, aid in credit history inquiries, negotiate with creditors for lower interest rates and extending payment terms.
Our legal services in regards to debt and bankruptcy litigation includes:

Our Inital Client Meeting:
Bring all relevant financial information, including information on all assets, liabilities income and expenses.
Cease all borrowings.
Present all relevant financial information, providing supporting information and documents of inability to repay money owed.
Our firm shall then provide legal advice and help with all relevant legal proceedings (as required).
For more details or if you have any enquiries, regarding our Bankruptcy services or other matters, please contact us at +852 3583 3083 by telephone or by email.